What’s the Spoopathon?
The Spoopathon is a Halloween-inspired event to help Fu decide which scary games she’s going to be playing around Halloween! Also, the holiday will be filled with a week of costumes, creative streams, and other bonus incentives!!
The event lasts from now until the end of stream on October 18th! Bonus time can be unlocked as well if we hit our big milestone! Games/incentives will be played the week of Halloween (and sometimes after too)!
This year we have some NEW CHANGES happening with the event! Instead of a bidding war between 4 games, we now have a Milestone for a big game to work toward (RE4 Remake!), along with points you can spend to unlock other games along the way. There are even wheel spins for extra spoopy time!
How does this all work?
All subs, resubs, bits and tips will translate into points! ($1/100bits = 1 point, 1 sub = 5 points, etc.) Points will automatically be added to your account for subs and bits, so you can add them yourself! Here are the relevant commands:
!points = will show you the point totals for each point reward option
!votes = how many points you currently have to spend
!vote [Game ID] [point amount] = put your points towards a game or wheel spin (refer below for game IDs) with the amount of points you want to use.
*Example: !vote CV 5
*Points will now be saved so you can redeem them whenever to put them toward the option(s) of your choice!
*If you’re tipping, make sure to include the #GAMEID (ex. #CV) in your tip message so the bot can automatically assign the proper points to the game of your choice!
What are the options to put points towards?
GameID: WHEEL | Spin the wheel (Oct. 1) | 20 points total to spin |
GameID: PA | Parasocial (Chilla’s Arts game) | 400 points to play |
GameID: CV | Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow | 500 points to play |
GameID: B2 | Bendy & the Dark Revival | 500 points to play |
GameID: MFN | My Friendly Neighboorhood | 400 points to play |
How much to unlock each option?
Each wheel spin will be 20 points, and the other 3 games will each be added whenever one of them hits their point goal!
Wait Wheel Spins?
Yes! This year we are introducing a new extra option for point redemption! There will be a wheel starting Oct. 1st with short options that will have to be done on stream IMMEDIATELY once spun. A wheel spin will occur every 20 points redeemed for one. (Lowered the cost due to the wheel options!)
Wheel options include:
- 1 in-game day of a Minecraft horror mod (or one death)
- Solo Phasmo map in VR
- 1 attempt at an Observation Duty level
- 10 floors of Spooky’s Jump Scare Mansion
- 10 minutes of a random itch.io horror game
- Join the ritual
- Watch 10 minutes of a copyright-free horror movie
- Explore a creepy website (5 min)
- Read a creepy pasta (5 min)
- Bring an animal on stream and pet it
- Bidoof hat (10 min)
- *And more to come!
Sub Incentives:
700: Halloween cooking stream!
800: Write a scary story with chat & AI
900: Beat Saber spoopy songs night (in costume!)
1000: RE4 Remake playthrough w/ MODS INCENTIVES!*
1500: Five Nights: Help Wanted (VR) FULL playthrough!
*Mod incentive list will be released and available to redeem for once the initial goal is hit. There is a list full of visual, helpful and harmful mods that will be available to make the playthrough potentially super easy, super silly, really stupid or even a bit more difficult! You’ll get to use your points to add/remove mods as the game is being played!
Add or remove/change a mod: 20 points (changes will occur every 30-60 minutes)
Tip & Bit Incentives:
$500: Pumpkin carving! (Bid war for the winning design!)
$1000: ?!
How will this benefit the stream?
I want to use this month once again as a time to make a push for sub points. We have Subtember benefits with Twitch as well to help us out! Let’s see how high we can go this month! Also, any tips and bits will go towards new content ideas! Thank you so much for your support! ❤️